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Graceland Theatre Program Opens Twelfth Night


By: Abigail Barnes

The Graceland Theatre program will be performing Twelfth Night on February 16th through the 19th. The doors will open at 7pm and the show will be starting at 7:30. Online ticket sales will end at 6pm on opening night. You can find online tickets at Seats are limited this year so make sure to buy your tickets as soon as possible. If you are unable to watch the play in person you can watch in on the Graceland YouTube page a week after the play has closed. Twelfth Night is a play written by Shakespeare full of love triangles and mistaken identities. This modernized version of Twelfth Night takes place in the early nineties in the city of Illyria. All the music will be live and performed by Connor Holben. Aubrey Coons, who is acting as Viola in the play, was interviewed about Twelfth Night and described it as “genuinely hilarious." Coons says her favorite thing about her character is that she is trying to get by and somehow finds herself in the midst of a confusing love triangle. She goes on to explain that her favorite characters are Feste the Fool and Sir Toby Belch due to the actors who do a great job representing them. Coons encourages people to go to the play because she is excited for the audience to see the performance they have been working so hard to perfect.

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