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By Kaitlyn Cook

Over the last few weeks here at Graceland, we have seen blizzard conditions, whiteouts, and temperatures far below freezing causing classes to be online or canceled by professors.

A blizzard is a severe snowstorm with winds over 35 mph and visibility of less than a 1/4 mile for more than 3 hours. Blizzards can also occur after snowfall when high winds cause whiteouts (fallen snow blowing around) and snowdrifts (huge mountains of snow), which decrease visibility. Blizzards are dangerous because of freezing temperatures that are exacerbated by high winds which create difficulties getting through heavy snow and the possibility of getting lost in blinding flurries.

Our facilities are doing their best in the freezing air to keep the snow plowed off the walkways and salting sidewalks to remove the ice layer below. They are working multiple hours a day outside while we are in class. They are shoveling, blowing snow, and scraping ice across campus walkways and parking lots. Despite the multitudes of snow we have received and keep receiving, our facilities are continuing to work hard for the safety of the students and faculty.

When outside remember to stay bundled up with those coats, hats, and gloves you have. If you are lacking anything to keep you warm there are people on campus who are willing to help and loan you things to stay warm. Hopefully, with increasing temperatures and Spring fast approaching, we can begin to enjoy the nicer weather. While you are on campus have fun and be safe!

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