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2023-2024 Graceland Student Government Officers Announced

By: Lexi Zabel

On February 8th, 2023, next year’s Graceland Student Government officers were officially announced on the Graceland University website. Commonly known as GSG, the student government at Graceland is composed of eight elected student leaders who work together to advocate for the student body. Within GSG, each officer has their own organization that they focus on, with the help of their reps who each represent one of the sixteen houses here on campus. The different leadership groups of GSG include Academic Student Council (ASC), Campus Organization for Social Activities (COSA), Council of House Chaplains (CHC), Graceland Student Government President (GSG Pres), Inclusion Diversity Equity Alliance (IDEA), Intramurals, Senate, and Council of House Presidents (CHP). The goal of student government is to make all students feel involved and welcomed by including them in a variety of events and making them feel as though their voices and suggestions matter. Your next year Graceland Student officers are listed below.

Your 2023/2024 GSG President is Peyton Anderson. Anderson is a Junior and currently the House President for Cheville. On campus, he is also involved in Enactus, Community Development Club, and pickleball Club. As next year's Graceland Student Government President, Anderson’s goal is “to foster an environment within the GSG group that encourages and inspires each member to do amazing things within their organization, and across organizations.”

Delaney Fox was announced the COSA President for the school year of 2023/2024. Fox is currently a Junior at Graceland University and is the House President for Hanthorne this year, along with being a part of Enactus’ leadership council as well as the community unity group. When asked what her goals are for COSA next year, she states, “As elected COSA president for next year, my goal is to attract a wider variety of diverse groups to events and activities by encouraging students who may never have been in a position before to apply to be a COSA rep or on COSA boards. I also hope to implement smaller events throughout some weeks that can take place during the day in a common area where athletes that practice in the evenings can be exposed to what COSA does for them. Lastly, I want to cultivate an environment that is comfortable and inviting so that all the members of COSA are able to think creatively and spark new ideas.”

Corwin Shipps was elected as the CHC President for next school year. Shipps is currently a Junior and outside of the classroom, he is part of Esports, house council as a Chaplain, and formally he was served as an IDEA representative. As a response to being asked about his hopes for Chaplain as an organization next year, he says, “Currently majority of campus is clueless as to what Chaplains are supposed to do so I want to bring more awareness about this organization and really have a positive impact on campus so that everyone knows who we are.”

We are pleased to announce Brenée Barrett as Graceland University’s next IDEA President. Barrett is a first-semester Junior and the House President of Amici this year. She is also on the women’s soccer team and involved in Black Student Union (BSU), International Club, Caribbean Club, and Ant Man Club. As the future president of IDEA, Barrett shares that her responsibility includes “Bringing unity and inclusion to the Graceland campus while high lightening diverse cultures and beliefs.”

Your 2023/2024 Intramural Director is Ishbel Wilson. Ishbel is currently a sophomore who is very involved on campus. This year, Ishbel had the opportunity to serve on IM Boards and she even paired with Enactus to lead an event called Balls of Fury. Ishbel is also the editor of The Tower, plays the clarinet in the Symphonic Band, in on the women’s soccer team, and a member of Community Development Club. When interviewed about being elected as next year's IM Director, she shares, “My goal for Intramurals is to be able to have events that reach a larger number of students. I hope to be able to have events where everyone feels welcomed and like they have a home.”

Graceland is happy to announce Max Weesner as Speaker of the Senate for the 2023/2024 school year. Weesner is a Junior and currently the House President of Faunce. He is also President of Chess Club, Movie Club, and is a part of Graceland Harmonium. Weesner’s goals for growing Senate include, “Communication and easy access. The problem that Senate faces a lot is that normal students won’t follow through with the appropriation process we’ve put in place, so if we change that, we can be the ones turning students’ hopes and dreams into reality. My hope is that the Senators next year and I will be able to do a lot more hands on work making projects come to life.”

Joycelyn Daily was voted on by the current House Presidents to be next year's CHP President. As a current Junior this year, Daily is Shalom’s House President, on the Graceland Women’s volleyball team, a part of Enactus, and a writing center tutor. When asked about her dreams as being CHP President in 2023/2024, she responds with, “I really want to have a great connection with everyone, the House Presidents and the other GSG members. After being an HP this year I saw the impact being friends with your coworkers really has. It made it more enjoyable for myself and I think everyone else on campus. I want to have that same connection with the new HP’s so they feel comfortable with me and can approach me for help without hesitation. The same goes for GSG, I want to be able to work closely because the relationship between the HP’s and GSG is so important, and if there's any disconnect it can have a negative effect. My goal is to be a strong connection between these two important leadership groups.”

Graceland University announced Adam Sherer as next year's ASC President. Sherer is a junior and is currently involved in ASC Boards, choir, Enactus Leadership Council, ACM President, and Community Development Club. When asked his main goal for next year, he responded with “to help ASC grow as an organization. ASC is usually seen as a group that focuses strictly on academics inside the classroom, and while that is something I want to continue to help with, I think ASC is a great resource to help students in other areas such as with resume builders and interview tips/practice.”

These are your next year's GSG officers, and we can’t wait to see the impact they make on our campus!

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